February 2022 Astrology

February begins under the spell of the Aquarius New Moon, now Void of Course and offering a penetrating spaciousness - a pervasive stillness. As the snowfall over the weekend cleansed the atmosphere of chaotic waves of manifestation, at Imbolc, we seek to cleanse the chaotic waves within our own consciousness.

Imbolc, on February 2 and adapted as GroundHog Day in the United States, marks the turning towards Spring and the time to plan for the seeds you will sow following Spring Equinox - now just 7 weeks away.

I see Imbolc as a reminder to create time and space for meditation and contemplation - and with the New Moon in expansive Aquarius just 2 days ahead turning to a Pisces Moon the day of, the astrology weather offers its support. If you are like me, you will miss these sanctuary-like Winter Days in the peak of a frenzied summer....

Hope is dawning. A long retrograde passage of overlapping Venus and Mercury is finally receding with Mercury turning direct late on February 4th. In just 10 days, Venus and Mars will be conjunct in the desirous sign of Capricorn in time for Valentine's Day and beyond.

The exact conjunction will be on the Full Moon in Leo on February 16th and this will be a highly charged energy of desire and pursuit, creative inspiration and visionary motivation.

First though, we have a brief hurdle with Sun conjunct Saturn this week, creating what can feel like a stall in much-craved progress towards a goal.

Don't allow a perceived set-back steer your off-course, as life will be "lightening up" rapidly by Wednesday the 9th.

Mercury will conjunct Pluto for a final time this year on Friday, February 11th, bringing a final insight on a theme that was initially activated close to New Year's Eve and which came up again this past weekend, just before the New Moon.

The Sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces on February 18 this year, which will feel even more magical than Pisces Season usually feels because of Jupiter's presence in Pisces as well. As daylight steadily returns, this zodiac season promises an unearthly aura and an escape to a dreamy landscape.

Cartier N. Tracy, M.Div

I am a seasoned Astrologer offering Astrology Chart Readings, Human Design Analysis, intuitively channeled Tarot Card Readings and integrative coaching sessions.

I have my Masters of Divinity from Emory University.


Portal in the Sky: Full Moon/Equinox Weekend


January 2022 Astrology