Portal in the Sky: Full Moon/Equinox Weekend

The Full Moon in Virgo is also called the Worm Moon because it hallmarks the time of year when worms wake up from hibernation and start moving around in the soil, thus aerating it for crops to come.

All Full Moons span three days approximately, yet thus Moon’s exact hour is this Friday, at 3:17 AM EDT, ushering in the Vernal Equinox, a mythic passage into a new chapter. The theme of this Moon is reflecting upon and honoring how your passion is translated into your work and how the love in your heart is expressed as your service to others.

Venus and Mars are conjunct in the sign of Aquarius, creating the chemistry to connect with our true, authentic tribe - the people with whom we feel the most resonance. This is a great Moon for hosting a gathering of your favorite folks!

As on every Full Moon, this is a time to honor whatever arises for you and peer deeply behind the veils of your life and into the truth of your soul. What do you see there?

Planet Venus is enclosed by both Mars and Saturn right now, thus is feeling a little restricted - there is something she’s been desiring which has not yet come to be. And this weekend Venus will square Uranus, creating a sort of electric friction, making it clearer and clearer exactly what her true desire is. Sparks will fly as Venus yearns to express a deep, penetrating sensuality and the fulfillment of her desire to relish in abundance and beauty.

The satisfaction of Venus comes later, after the next New Moon on April 1st - so let the tension build and enjoy the creative chemistry in the atmosphere right now surging forward as we head into procreative Springtime.

Equinoxes are sacred days.

The perfect symmetry of day and night opens an archetypal portal and the gateway to Springtime with the much needed rejuvenation of sunlight, budding plants and comfortable weather.

The Equinox is honored by making wishes and setting new intentions. The histories demonstrate human beings have been doing this since the dawn of consciousness.

Honor your ancestors and your Gods and ask for specifically what you most deeply desire to receive from this concupiscent season.

Cartier N. Tracy, M.Div

I am a seasoned Astrologer offering Astrology Chart Readings, Human Design Analysis, intuitively channeled Tarot Card Readings and integrative coaching sessions.

I have my Masters of Divinity from Emory University.


Last Night at the Stable….


February 2022 Astrology