Cartier The Queen

started her career as a music industry entrepreneur in the mid-90's in Atlanta, GA, launching her own independent record label Clock Wise Records.

Later, a calling to deeper meaning and understanding led her to immerse herself in yoga, travel to India and enroll in the Candler School of Theology at Emory University.

Forever a seeker, Cartier moved to New Mexico and took up residency at Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe and later, an off-grid permaculture-based community called Lama Foundation in the Sangre de Cristo mountains.

After devoting nearly 10 years to social work, working with both prisoners and people experiencing homelessness, Cartier transitioned her hobby of astrology chart reading & tarot cards into a full time practice, and today marries her love of queer nightlife culture with her passion for helping people discover their freedom and power in a world of expanding possibility.

To her name she has: an M.Div degree from Emory University, a certificate in Women in Theology & Ministry, a certificate in Clinical Pastoral Education, a certificate in Permaculture Design, over 15 years study in advanced Western & Hellenistic Astrology Chart Interpretation, 25 years experience with tarot card reading & interpretation, A Jukai ordination in Zen Buddhism under Roshi Joan Halifax, 15 years of study in the art of Feng Shui, Usui Reiki & crystalline light energy healing degrees, and 20 years of private study in clinical herbalism & aromatherapy.

During a period of depression and disillusionment, Cartier discovered the show RuPaul’s Drag Race and very quickly became a “super-fan” of drag as an art form, launching as her own drag character shortly thereafter.

On Summer Solstice 2022, Cartier took a vow at the Chalice Well of Avalon in Glastonbury, England and formally became a Priestess.

Cartier the Queen has Sagittarius rising, Sun in Pisces, Moon in Aries and a Grand Air Trine.

Her Human Design Profile is 1/3 Projector with Emotional Authority.


Schedule a reading with me here


Since the reading you did for me so much has flown open! So many new paradigms have shifted and it’s all happened at warp speed. I can’t thank you enough for helping me finally see how to stop warring with myself within and how to get right with myself and the world around me

Lauren S.
Educator/Writing Coach