Queer Protection Magick

Queer Protection Magick

I’ve always been a night-clubber. Whether it was to go to the house music parties at Yin-Yang Cafe or the art-raves in the Uhaul warehouses, I often found myself parking my car on a poorly lit side-street in an unfamiliar part of the city late at night and walking alone.
I needed a way to ensure my safety and to make sure nobody stole my car. Using spiritual energy for magic came naturally for me and quickly took on a life of its own. Using my rudimentary understanding of reiki and illustrations I’d seen of Merkaba’s and the corresponding “flower of life” from sacred geometry, I’d visualize, then channel a grid of light surrounding my body and also one surrounding my car and I’d infuse these light-grids with my intention to be protected from harm. It always worked!

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