As the US of A takes a hostile political turn with respect to LGBTQIA+ rights, particularly towards transgendered and gender-nonconforming people, there’s a lot to be wary about.

In this post you will find my tried & true methods of “Protection Magick”, many of which I use almost daily to keep the “air clear” around me. Please share this post with anyone and everyone you know who feels vulnerable, for any reason.

Light grids for dark streets

My magickal story begins here:

I’ve always been a night-clubber. In the mid-90’s when I was in my 20’s, seeking out the best late night dance-floors often put me in precarious neighborhoods in Atlanta, GA, where I lived at the time. Whether it was to go to the downtempo house music events at Yin-Yang Cafe that started at 2am or the art-raves in the Uhaul warehouses deep in the SWATS, I often found myself parking my car on a poorly lit side-street in an unfamiliar part of the city late at night and walking alone for a couple of blocks to the party’s nondescript entrance, doing my best to downplay my neon stretch-fabric t-shirt and absurdly baggy JNCO jeans.

I had my first Reiki attunement when I was 22 and I was beginning my journey with channeling spiritual energy for healing. Using spiritual energy for magic came naturally for me and quickly took on a life of its own as intellectually I was researching knowledge about the Merkaba and the corresponding “flower of life”. A Merkaba is a light-energy grid that surrounds the body facilitating shifts from 3-D to 5-D consciousness following patterns of sacred geometry. Reiki is a Japanese technique of channeling white light energy for the purposes of healing. It is similar to the more commonly known technique of “Healing Touch” which many more enlightened nurses use in hospitals.

I needed a way to ensure my safety walking to the club alone at night and to make sure nobody stole my car. Using my rudimentary understanding of reiki and illustrations I’d seen of Merkaba’s, I’d first visualize, then channel a grid of light surrounding my body and also one surrounding my car and I’d infuse these light-grids with my intention to be protected from harm, both my body and my car. It always worked! And I still do this today whenever I am going out at night.

Sketch of a Merkaba

Personally, I believe every person has the capability to channel spiritual energy and visualize a protective aura around you and yours - whether you have been formally initiated as a healer or not. 💜

Shaman on the dance floor

My first public performance as a drag queen happened at Hot Mess night at CandiBar in Boston in December of 2021. I lip-synched to “Birthday” by the SugarCubes and the small, yet loyal audience at the club that Sunday night was so enthusiastic they threw fist-fulls of $20 bills at me.

What the audience didn’t know is that right before I took center-stage, to calm my nerves, I enchanted the dance floor.

Here’s how I did it:

I call this method of protection magick, the “Stalwart of Avalon”.

The basis of this technique comes from a well-known energy healer named Michael Allen. I took his course “Duality” in 2020, during the first months of the pandemic. I use this technique on every New Moon and Full Moon to clear energy and protect my house and land from adverse influences.

Do this first to clear your own energy field:

Start with grounding: Focus your mind's eye to a space in the center of your brain, as if you are tuning into the grey matter situated above and behind your ears by about 1 in - this is a "sweet spot" for intuitive awareness.

In your minds eye, centered in the "sweet spot", visualize energy in your aura moving downward, from your head, through your torso and hips, down your legs and through your feet into the Earth below you.

See if you can feel it happening.

Then, in your mind's eye, visualize a vast stream of molten lava in the center of the Earth coming up through your feet, and bringing warmth and renewed vitality all the way through your body up to your crown chakra at the top of your head. I like to visualize the lava fields of the La Palma volcano in the Canary Islands when I do this, because I was captivated by the live-stream of this volcano on YouTube when it erupted in fall of 2021.

See if you can feel it happening.

Next, in your mind's eye, visualize the expansive starry night sky above, bright and clear. I like to visualize constellations I recognize easily, like Orion’s Belt and the Big Dipper. I imagine the sky bright and clear and full of endless amount of stars as it was every night when I lived in Northern New Mexico. Visualize expansive starlight from distant galaxies coming down through your crown and all the way through your feet.

See if you can feel it happening.

For the final step, in my body I visualize a rose. (The color varies depending on my mood and my intention. See also: “Using Color for Magickal Intent”.

I visualize the rose in my solar plexus - which is at your diaphragm in the center of your chest, where your rib cage meets your gut - linking sky above and Earth below. I might also include a rose at my heart and one at my naval.

The color of the rose I choose varies depending on my mood and my intention. This rose is from the garden of my former house on West Friendship Street in Providence, Rhode Island and is my favorite to visualize.

I also often visualize the pale purple rose I gave to Violet Chachki at the Meet & Greet of her Pride Tour with Gottmik last summer.

When working with a physical space such as a room or a whole building, first visualize the complete perimeter of the space you wish to ground, touching it an each corner or side of the space. Then, following the order of instructions from above find the "sweet spot" in your brain, visualize all the energy of that space, from corner to corner and across the diameter, grounding down into the Earth.

See if you can feel it.

In the space you are wishing to clear, visualize the molten lava coming up through the ground and blasting through the space up to the sky, bringing the vitality of the core of the Earth.

Visualize the expansive night sky over the space you are clearing, from the infinite heights of the Cosmos down to the Earth, spreading clear starlight all across the floor of the space you are clearing, and replacing any old or stuck energy.

See if you can feel this.

For your space, you can picture a rose on each side, or one in the center, or all around - whichever feels best to you. I usually picture a rose in each corner and also in the center of each side of the perimeter. This way I know I am really covered. The roses create a barrier that keeps unwanted energy away and allows the space you’ve just cleared to remain so.

This is a simple spell for clearing stuck energy and reactivating powerful protective energy and I use it a lot. Try it & see how it feels for you. There are plenty more ways you could approach this, but this one is easy and fast to do once you get the hang of the visuals and how the energy feels to you.

Now, I do this spell every time I am in a nightclub, whether I am performing that night or not, just to clean up the energy in the place and ward off adverse experiences, like harassment from drunk people, spilled drinks, broken glass and handsy people on the dance floor.

Using Color with Magickal Intent:

In magick, all the power is rooted in your intention. The practices we do articulate and amplify our intentions into the archetypal realm and this is why classic spells include certain herbs, crystals, deities, talismen, colors, etc - all of these items carry certain magickal meanings and mirror our intention which serves to amplify it. In magick, you are creating an aura in space of what you desire to receive and experience. This is the essence of the craft.

All colors have both symbolic meanings and vibrational frequency patterns that have an effect. When you choose color with intention, you are choosing the meaning assigned to the color and this can be used for protection.

Sometimes we provide the meaning, through memory or experience -> for example, white & yellow together may remind you of daisies on your Grandmother’s garden and so you may choose white & yellow to evoke a feeling or experience of safety, connection and being nurtured.

Sometimes the name of the color has a meaning for us that resonates with our intention - this is often the case with makeup, clothes in a catalog, and paint. For example, in my house, the wall colors are named “Demeter” (a yellow), “Minerva” (a light blue), “Rites of Spring” (a yellow) and “Eros Pink” - all referencing pagan Gods, Goddesses and rituals.

There are spiritual meanings associated with colors are well, and different traditions and authors have held different insights about color-meanings, though overall I have found meanings to be similar across different paradigms of thought.

To put it most simply, warm colors, such a red, yellow and pink warm the energy and inspire action, while cool colors like green, blue and purple are calming and soothing.

I invite you to explore imagining different color frequencies when you channel healing and protective energy around you for protection spells, and notice the results you get and how you feel.

While studying with Tibetan Lamas at the Drepung Losling Center for Buddhist Studies in Atlanta, GA, I learned that the most powerful color vibration for healing is deep blue - which is the color of the Medicine Buddha.

Edgar Cayce’s Aura Color chart

English mystic, Edgar Cayce’s treatise on the color meanings when seen in a person’s aura, from his book, “AURAS” published in 1945.

Feng Shui Sabotage: Protect your space from unwanted roommates, neighbors & harassers.

Feng Shui is an ancient Asian art of interior design to create a peaceful and prosperous flow of energy in your personal space. To learn more about it, read my article here.

Having a high-vibe living space will naturally be protective from negative influences and adverse experiences. Taking charge of the space you live in and being the one who creates the vibe there gives you power. Have you ever had a roommate who has bad taste or is super messy? Doesn’t that feel disempowering? The one who takes charge of creating the atmosphere of the space is the one who has the most power over it. I have often ejected roommates I did not like by making changes the aesthetic of our shared space “up-vibing” it, so that it was no longer comfortable for them. This can be as simple as deep cleaning the bathroom or rearranging the living room.

Yes, I can be mean like that!

Hanging a crystal or talisman in your window can protect your space from outsiders trying to look in, as can having a houseplant in your window. All three of these absorb energy so neighbors and passers-by are less likely to have wandering eyes that peer in your windows.

Speaking of plants, plants have a dense history of magickal usage. Certain plants planted at the perimeter of your property or kept in planters on a front porch or patio will protect your home from harm. One of the most powerfully protective plants is yarrow. A common weed in parts of the UK and Europe, Yarrow has many medicinal uses and its magickal use is boundary protection. Keeping a yarrow plant near the boundary of your property will protect you from both break-ins and from busy-body neighbors.

Plants are a powerful resource to elevate the energy of your space because plants are inherently magickal. So whether this is having a garden, growing plants in containers out front or even just having some healthy house plants, some strategically placed plants will silently work on your behalf to keep you protected. (Ever wonder why people who are wealthy and wise live on land full of gardens and forests? It’s because there’s a relationship between wealth and the resources plants provide, whether it be food, medicine, scent or beauty).

For me, a first step in empowering my space is by planting hardy herbs along the borders. The volatile oils in hardy herbs give plants scent, medicinal properties and an empowered aura and effect the landscape behind it. For example, consider the calming effect of lavender. Have a lavender plant out front and every person who passes by will be calmed and uplifted by its scent, whether they are aware of it or not.

Hardy herbs are perennial plants that are easy to grow, that thrive even in adverse weather while having a multiplicity of uses, including being pollinators and protection from unwanted insects.

Some examples are of hardy herbs are:









Sage will help your body heal from many common illnesses. It smells great and has beautiful purple flowers. Cultivate a sage plant and in a few years, you’ll have baby sages popping up everywhere to share with your friends.

Thyme is great in the kitchen and is anti-bacterial.

Oregano and Mint are sister plants precious to Venus – Goddess of Love and Beauty. The striking green and pleasant smell of both oregano and mint creates vibrancy in your landscape and makes an excellent ground cover.

The chemical components in Chive plants heal the brain from memory loss and are great for warding off pests.

Yarrow has energetic signature to protect boundaries and so is perfect to grow on property lines.

Cascarilla Powder:

From the Santeria tradition, we have Cascarilla powder, which is used to cleanse negative energy and protect spaces. Cascarilla powder is made of crushed egg shells. You can buy it online or make it at home.

Here’s how I make it.

I save the eggshells from my breakfast and put them in a bowl of water to soak. Eggshells have a thin membrane on the inside that you must remove to make Cascarilla powder and soaking them makes it easier to separate the shell from the membrane. Dispose of the membrane once it’s removed and crush the eggshells and put them in a jar. I grind up the eggshells with a mortar & pestle. Once I have a jar full of crushed eggshells, I use my cuisinart blender to grind them into a fine powder. I sprinkle the powder around the border of my property every Spring Equinox.


Burning bundles of sage, juniper, lavender or mugwort is called smudging and is used in spiritual rituals to clear away unwanted energies before the ritual. Smudging both your energy aura and your home regularly is very protective. In fact, I used to live in a noisy urban neighborhood and sometimes the noise would keep me awake at night. Smudging with sage would not only calm me down, I swear the noise on the street would calm down.


You can buy chimes at spiritual gift shops. The harmonious sound frequency of the chimes is another way you can clear away stuck energy and keep you the vibe of your living space harmonious and protected.

Clearing clutter:

Nothing ups the vibe of your space more than keeping it free of clutter. This comes naturally for some people and is near impossible for others. Personally, managing my clutter is a continuous challenge for me. Often I will smudge my home first because I believe it helps inspire me to tidy up.

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The LBRP is an ancient occult high-magick protection spell that references the Kabbalistic Cross. It is known for its power, especially when done daily as a centering and energy clearing practice. The Kabbalistic Cross (sometimes spelled “Quabalistic”) has its roots in the Kabbalah, a mystical branch of Judaism exploring a direct and personal relationship with the Divine, such as in Hindu Tantra and Vajrayana Buddhism.

Famed sorcerer & occultist Damien Echols - one of the three wrongly accused “West Memphis Three” - used the LBRP daily while serving out his prison sentence to protect himself from abuses and harm and claims it as one of the “high magick” practices that saved his life.

To begin, face East and stand in Tadasana (Mountain pose), which means to stand upright, shoulders relaxed, arms by your side with palms facing frontward.

In your mind’s eye, visualize yourself floating in space. Feel your body’s energy aura expand in all directions with infinite potential, as if you are as big as the entire galaxy and beyond.

  • Imagine white light coming down through crown chakra.

  • Raise your right hand above your head, stretched out, as if you are touching into infinity. I keep my palm & fingers out-stretched, however, traditionally it’s been done with the palm & fingers closed into a fist or holding a wand or athame.

  • Bring your palm down to your forehead gracefully and say,


    (which means: air, thou art I am)

  • Visualizing the light coming down through you, bring your arm down through the center of your body towards your “root chakra” - base of spine.

  • In your mind’s eye, the light comes all the way through you, infinitely descending downward. For me, my hand is open, traditionally it is closed. Say the word,


    (Which means “kingdom”).

  • Bring your hand to touch your right shoulder. Say,


    (Which means “the power, the fire, pillar of severity”).

  • Bring your hand across to touch your left shoulder. Say,


    (Which means “chesed, the glory, the element of water” note: “chesed” is a sphere on the Kabalistic Tree of Life).

  • Palms then come together laying on top of heart chakra. Say,

    Lay–o-Lam, A-men

    (Which means “spirit, kingdom, power and glory”).


Still facing East, bring your palms together like a prayer yet with fingers pointing out in front of you, thumbs pointing upwards. This hand position I call “pistol-hands”.

  • With your outstretched “pistol-hands”, draw a large pentagram in the air in the East.

  • Visualize the pentagram as being yellow. You can also use the colors blue, sliver or gold. I visualize all four colors braided together because I am fancy like that.

(To draw a pentagram: * start with pistol-hands at your left hip, * bring them up to above your head, * then down the other side to your right hip. * From your right hip, bring your pistol-hands to your left shoulder * and then across your body to your right shoulder. * Then diagonally down again to finish at your left hip).

  • Bring your pistol-hands to your lips and kiss them. Then, pierce the center of the pentagram you just drew and say,


    (This is the tetragrammaton, the four-letter name, the highest divine Hebrew name of god).

  • Kiss your pistol-hands again, extend your arms outward and turn ¼ to right to face South.


  • With your outstretched “pistol-hands”, draw a large pentagram in the air in the South.

  • Visualize the pentagram as being red. You can also use the colors blue, sliver or gold. I visualize all four colors braided together because I am fancy like that.

  • Bring your pistol-hands to your lips and kiss them. Then, pierce the center of the pentagram you just drew and say,


    (pronounced: Ah-doh-nai ~ a name for the Divine, loosely translating as “My Lord”).

  • Kiss your pistol-hands again, extend your arms outward and turn ¼ to right to face West.


  • With your outstretched “pistol-hands”, draw a large pentagram in the air in the West.

  • Visualize the pentagram as being blue. You can also use the colors blue, sliver or gold. I visualize all three colors braided together because I am fancy like that.

  • Bring your pistol-hands to your lips and kiss them. Then, pierce the center of the pentagram you just drew and say,


    (pronounced: “Eh-heh-yeh” ~ translates as “I am that I am” and is a historic name for the Divine).

  • Kiss your pistol-hands again, extend your arms outward and turn ¼ to right to face North.


With your outstretched “pistol-hands”, draw a large pentagram in the air in the North.

  • Visualize the pentagram as being green. You can also use the colors blue, sliver or gold. I visualize all four colors braided together because I am fancy like that.

  • Bring your pistol-hands to your lips and kiss them. Then, pierce the center of the pentagram you just drew and say,

    Agla or Agala

    (pronounced: “Ah-gah-lah” ~ this is a magickal word used traditionally as a talisman).

  • Kiss your pistol-hands again, extend your arms outward and turn ¼ to right to face East again


Facing East, standing in Tadasana (mountain pose) again:

  • Say: “Before me, Raphael”.

Visualize a giant androgynous being of light holding a Sword.

(This is a symbol of the element of Air).

  • Say: “Behind me, Gabriel.

Visualize a giant androgynous being of light holding a Chalice of Sacred Water.

(This is a symbol of the element of Water).

  • Say: “On my right, Mikail”.

Visualize a giant androgynous being of light holding a Flaming Wand.

(This is a symbol of the element of Fire).

  • Say: “On my left, Auriel”.

Visualize a giant androgynous being of light holding a bundle of wheat or a potted plant.

(This is a symbol of the element of Earth).

  •  Say: “For about me flame the pentagrams, and within me shines the six-pointed star”.

(Click here for images of a Pentagram to visualize this while saying)

(Click here for images of a Hexagram to visualize this while saying)


To finish, repeat the begining steps:

  • In your mind’s eye, visualize yourself floating in space. Feel your body’s energy aura expand in all directions with infinite potential, as if you are as big as the entire galaxy and beyond.

  • Imagine white light coming down through crown chakra.

  • Raise your right hand above your head, stretched out, as if you are touching into infinity. I keep my palm & fingers out-stretched, however, traditionally it’s been done with the palm & fingers closed into a fist or holding a wand or athame.

  • Bring your palm down to your forehead gracefully and say,


    (which means: air, thou art I am)

  • Visualizing the light coming down through you, bring your arm down through the center of your body towards your “root chakra” - base of spine.

  • In your mind’s eye, the light comes all the way through you, infinitely descending downward. For me, my hand is open, traditionally it is closed. Say the word,


    (Which means “kingdom”).

  • Bring your hand to touch your right shoulder. Say,


    (Which means “the power, the fire, pillar of severity”).

  • Bring your hand across to touch your left shoulder. Say,


    (Which means “chesed, the glory, the element of water” note: “chesed” is a sphere on the Kabalistic Tree of Life).

  • Palms then come together laying on top of heart chakra. Say,

    Lay–o-Lam, A-men

    (Which means “spirit, kingdom, power and glory”).


Cartier N. Tracy, M.Div

I am a seasoned Astrologer offering Astrology Chart Readings, Human Design Analysis, intuitively channeled Tarot Card Readings and integrative coaching sessions.

I have my Masters of Divinity from Emory University.

Learn more about me!


I went to Drag-Con Uk!!! (And it was Awesome!!!!)