The Astrology of April
April 1st, New Moon in Aries ~ New Beginnings
April 2022 is a very special month this year for it both begins and ends with a New Moon, indicating new beginnings.
The April 1st New Moon in Aries will truly usher in the start of the growing season this year (and hopefully the end of cold snaps!) and time is ripe for seeding early Spring plants like peas, greens, poppies and pansies.
The Sun-Moon conjunction (a new moon) will also include a conjunction to the major asteroid, Chiron, representing the wounded-healer. Both our vulnerability and an opportunity to deepen our wisdom and compassion will arise powerfully and deepen throughout this month.
Venus is finally free from being bound between Mars and Saturn and her influence begins to grow and be felt as romantic sparks kindle and resources begin to sprout like fresh Spring grass. Some deep-seeded entanglement is now complete. Next week, on April 5th, Venus enters Pisces and hearts will soar, as Pisces is the sign that exalts the influence of Venus, bringing about love, wealth, and delicious enjoyment.
Also in the mix this month is the ecstatic elixir of Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter rules Pisces, as does Neptune in some traditions, so together this union amplifies the waves of deep and expansive emotion. Such astral-chemistry can quickly go to one’s head. Embrace it, enjoy it and practice grounding every day or even every hour. Follow your heart, but take heed not to get totally carried away, remember Chiron is actively exposing our wounds.
Though the momentum for growth is still off to a slow start, with Mars conjunct Saturn on Monday, April 4th. The rest of the month is really alive with positive influences.
Hearts will be breaking open to let in more light.
Hearts will break open to let in more light 💫
The Sun’s passage through the sign of Aries culminates with a Libra Full Moon. Some answer to a question about how we stand in relationship to significant others will be answered with poignant clarity and possibly a touch of distress as the Sun and Moon form a T-square to Pluto. Pluto calls us to face our deepest truths and, with feverish intensity, shed the past.
A few days later, on the 19th, the Sun enters Taurus and everything lightens up. Four planets are in tender Pisces, Venus and Mars, Jupiter and Neptune; and Pluto retrogrades, which on one hand can feel like a “backing off” of some impenetrable force and on the other hand can reveal some hidden pieces of your existential puzzle. Some of us learn by making mistakes and Pluto retrograde may suddenly make certain mistakes we’ve made remarkably clear - but remember, this month is all about embracing vulnerability and healing wounds, so whatever it is, make the best of it.
April ends with a New Moon eclipse in Taurus ~ a bold new beginning to how we stand in our pleasure and our power, connecting strongly to the only true source of abundance - Nature
Enjoy this Spring Season, for it is a special one, indeed!