May begins with a shift in trajectory following the Solar Eclipse this past Saturday with the Taurus New Moon. Solar eclipses signify bold new beginnings. Whichever house has the sign Taurus in your personal Astrology chart marks where this shift will occur.

Coming up on Sunday, May 15 is a Lunar Eclipse - a culmination and decisive ending corresponding with the Full Moon in Scorpio - the most witchy moon of the year. This Moon brings out our shadow-side to be witnessed and integrated - for it is only when we acknowledge and integrate our shadow that we truly uncover our radiance.

These endings and new beginning may not be immediate - but the effects will be felt and you can be assured some cycle is over / some cycle has just begun. The area of life where you can expect significant change is on the Taurus - Scorpio axis in your astrology chart and any planets you may have there will be amplified.

While April possessed a dreamy & romantic aura by Venus, Mars and Jupiter moving through Pisces and activating Neptune, May brings the transit of these planets through the fire sign Aries - a much more tempestuous and motivated energy.

Venus enters Aries today and Jupiter tomorrow! This will bring some agitation to relationships as Venus is in “detriment” in this sign, and Jupiter as well is losing some dignity in leaving Pisces. Financial matters may also feel more constricted with Venus here, and themes of social aggravation, confrontation and bravado may start to fill both our news feeds and our personal lives.

On the plus - side, where we may have felt a kind of romantic lethargy in April, we’ll be feeling the spark to get things done in May.

Speaking of getting things done….!

Mercury Retrogrades through both Gemini and Taurus starting next week on May 10th and through June 3rd.

Mercury Retrograde is meant to be a time of reflection and integration. It offers an opportunity to review areas of our life (indicated by where Mercury lands in our personal astrology chart) where we may have overlooked something, done or said something we now regret or simply dropped the ball on a promise or commitment we made.

Mercury retrograde tends to reconnect us with people from our past, or those whom we share a peculiar intimacy while often putting a strain on our everyday relationships by making communication attempts feel muddy and lacking.

Mishaps with technology and travel are Mercury Retrograde’s signature. If this occurs for you, my advice is to breathe through it. Sometimes delays serve a higher purpose in the bigger picture.

Welcome opportunities for unexpected surprises.

With love

Cartier the Astrologer

Cartier N. Tracy, M.Div

I am a seasoned Astrologer offering Astrology Chart Readings, Human Design Analysis, intuitively channeled Tarot Card Readings and integrative coaching sessions.

I have my Masters of Divinity from Emory University.

June Astrology


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