Feng shui (/ˈfʌŋˌʃuːi/[2]), also known as Chinese geomancy, is an ancient Chinese traditional practice which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term feng shui means, literally, "wind-water". From ancient times, landscapes and bodies of water were thought to direct the flow of the universal Qi – “cosmic current” or energy – through places and structures. Because Qi has the same patterns as wind and water, a specialist who understands them can affect these flows to improve wealth, happiness, long life, and family; on the other hand, the wrong flow of Qi brings bad results. More broadly, feng shui includes astronomical, astrological, architectural, cosmological, geographical, and topographical dimensions. - from Wikipedia

Feng Shui Bagua Map

Traditonal Feng Shui Bagua Map (Black Hat Sect)

In my Astrology Chart, my Sun is in Pisces in the 4th House (house of home & family), so I have always sought to create positive energy in my living space through inspired decor - yet my point of view was revolutionized when I discovered feng shui in my 30’s. It set me on a mission to redecorate my entire house (and since I’d just had a messy roommate move out - it was a great time to do this).

Some Feng Shui practitioners orient their grid to the cardinal directions - North, South, East and West. It is more traditional to align this stand-alone grid to the front door of your home or room. This older style comes from the Black Hat Sect of Tantric Buddhism and follows the principle that spirit is not rooted in the Earth so each unique space aligns as its own energy fractal. Thus apply the bagua map to the front door of each space - the front door of your house and then the main door to each room of your house.

Now, the grid makes everything seem…well…squared out…but in fact, true feng shui is a dance of mixing color & elements to generate an uplifting vibe. So don’t go repainting your love corner pink just to attract a hottie (believe me…I’ve tried that…). Play with color, play with decor and keep it minimal!!! Keeping things minimal is the most fundamental point of all. But if that’s not your jam, give Wabi-Sabi a try instead….

My “Career-Sector”

Even with all my knowledge & practice of feng shui…I do still tend to err on the side of clutter…. (That’s my Venus in the 2nd House of my astrology chart working + my 1-3 Human Design profile)….

A thriving feng shui’d home will have a balance of elements throughout - such as plants, stones, mirrors, and floor lamps, yet making sure the corresponding element & color has some presence in the appropriate corner will help your feng shui energy grid attract real power.

Best case scenario for feng shui in your home is for your bedroom to be in your love-corner and your kitchen to be in your wealth-corner (stove burners and running water are two symbols of wealth in feng shui) - but rarely do architects follow feng shui maps. The peskiest room is the bathroom. It can be hard to optimize the energy of your bathroom and it is believed that with a bathroom in your wealth-corner, you “flush” away wealth-energy with each flush of the toilet. The solution is the keep your bathroom clean - particularly the toilet and the keep the toilet lid down when not in use.

Marie Kondo’s popular method of “sparking joy” in your living space is very much derived from feng shui and if there is one upgrade you do to improve the flow of positive energy in your life - that upgrade is to fully de-clutter. Clean out closets, attics and drawers. When letting go of old mementos and out-dated stuff feels hard, consider that the energy of every thing you discard will return to you in an elevated way - so a wardrobe full of old clothes donated to Savers might return to you as a new lover or a raise at your job - seems pretty worthwhile when you put it that way, right??!

Here are some other tips of the trade to consider:

  • Mirrors are used to reflect light and will often make a small space appear larger. It is important to pay attention to what your mirror is reflecting, for this will be naturally empowered - sooooo if you have a mirror reflecting your overflowing laundry bin - well that’s not ideal! Mirrors can also be used to hex your neighbors…but you’ll have to message me if you want to know more about that…. Generally, feng shui designers believe mirrors do not belong in your bedroom because they keep your restful space too energized.

  • Same reason mirrors don’t belong in your bedroom, plants don’t belong in your bedroom either. Their aliveness can disrupt the yin-energy needed for deep rest. (but when I lived in the city, I’d keep a small plant in my bedroom to clean the air).

  • Your “fame” sector is a great place to display your college diploma and other certificates you’ve earned.

  • If you have a job you don’t love, put some symbols of the job you’d prefer in your career-sector. For example, if you want to be a designer, have some coffee-table books on design in your career-sector.

  • If you want to attract love, having pairs of items in your love-sector, will churn up your attracting mojo, such as two candles or two pieces of rose quartz. If you have a relationship and want it to stay happy, be sure to put plenty of photos of you and your mate in the love-sector.

  • I like to keep maps and travel guides of places I’d like to go in my travel-sector and this is also where I put photos of my friends and celebrities I admire.

  • Moving water is ALWAYS good energy (though not so much in your fire-sector, where it will dampen the chi that inspires fame). I feel like the positive energy in my home sky-rocketed when I invested in the Mayu Water-spinner as a Christmas present to myself. I keep it in the center of my home, always churning the chi. Water is the energy of Spirit and the flow of emotions and moving water helps with wealth, manifesting and attracting love and joy. (Not to mention that the electro-magnetically charged water from the spinning vortex is extra cleansing and hydrating in your body).

  • Maintain a steady cycle of cleanliness. Always wash the dishes and take out the trash - never leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight (I slack on this one…).

  • Pets are always good energy because they move around, creating circulation and you love them!

Mayu Swirl improves the quality and taste of any water poured into it. The vortex restructures and aerates the water with fresh oxygen.

Cartier N. Tracy, M.Div

I am a seasoned Astrologer offering Astrology Chart Readings, Human Design Analysis, intuitively channeled Tarot Card Readings and integrative coaching sessions.

I have my Masters of Divinity from Emory University.


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