Biqtch Puddin'

Biqtch Puddin', aka Steven Glen Diehl, winner of Season 2 of the Boulet Brother's Dragula show makes #2 in my top 5 not for being a fiercely ghoulish trash queen, but for having a HUGE heart, the biggest heart, perhaps, in the entire drag industry, for Biqtch makes a point to make sure every single follower & fan of his ground-breaking, path-forging Digital Drag Show knows that they are valued and loved and important to him.

The start of Dragula season 2 was rocky for Biqtch, who faced resentments from follow contestant Abhora about drama the two of them had back in the Atlanta drag scene and specifically on the Other Show (also boasting Evah Destruction & Violet Chachki), resulting in Biqtch being asked to leave the show. Abhora was quick to share her gripes against Biqtch with the other Dragula contestants, turning them against him and resulting in Biqtch facing the first few challenges as a lone wolf, with no allies. Yet with true honor, Biqtch excelled through theses challenges, won the respect and admiration of her fellow contestants, reconciled with Abhora AND won the whole damn show! Now that takes some true Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent!

But Biqtch really started to shine as a digital drag entrepreneur when the country went into quarantine over COVID-19 in the Spring of 2020. Distraught as seeing his fellow queens face cancelled gigs, unemployment and serious financial hardship, Biqtch launched the Digital Drag Show on the live-streaming Twitch network and revolutionized the world of performance drag into the online sector. Today, drag shows are streamed nightly on Twitch, but in the beginning, it was only Biqtch.

Every Friday night (now every other Friday) Biqtch Puddin and his roommates Megan (a viodeographer), Kiara the Only Aeon (Biqtch Puddin's Drag Mother) and additional videographer, Brent Bailey present the Digital Drag Show, featuring over 3 hours of original, one-night-only content from all genres of drag. Biqtch plays the host and introduces each and every artist with a heartfelt personal anecdote about we he adores and reveres that artist. Artists run the gamut from Drag Race celebs like Alaska ThunderFuck and Aja to virtually unknown queens dabbling in performing for the first time, like Providence Drag Artist Assa~Sination. Each week the Digital Drag Show is bookmarked by DJ sets from the exceptionally talented LA DJ Mateo Segade, who plays a comical trance/acid-house music style. Since the launch of the Digital Drag Show, hundred of drag promoters and performers have followed suite and launch similar online drag shows, to the point that you can tune in any day of the week and catch an original drag performance played for tips via PayPal CashApp and Venmo!

With a birthday coming up, Biqtch Puddin was born on September 23, 1994 in Cheaspeake, VA. Biqtch is born exactly on the Virgo-Libra Cusp, known as the Cusp of Beauty. Natives to the Cusp of Beauty are idealists and will stomach no pettiness. They believe whole-heartedly that the best of life exists for the taking and for the sharing.

Biqtch has a stellium of planets in Scorpio, including Venus and Jupiter conjunct - which provides the quality of seeing beauty in the darker and dirtier parts of human nature. Yet this Venus is almost perfectly opposite a Taurus Moon. Taurus Moon's are the stablizing rocks of the zodiac, the shoulders to cry, the ever loyal friend. All they ask is that you feed them. Biqtch also has Mars opposite Uranus-conjunct-Neptune - an aspect definitely prone to queerness, but also makes a person both a bit of a chameleon and some one who needs to continually defy their own boundaries. With Saturn in Pisces as well as Mars in Cancer, both water signs, Biqtch is truly a sensitive soul and naturally caring and empathic.

Cartier N. Tracy, M.Div

I am a seasoned Astrologer offering Astrology Chart Readings, Human Design Analysis, intuitively channeled Tarot Card Readings and integrative coaching sessions.

I have my Masters of Divinity from Emory University.

The Essence of Jaida Essence Hall


Violet Chachki